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An Urban Metabolism Approach to Los Angeles County

March 2, 2015

5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Huntley Hall 327

Joy Swartz

Stephanie Pincetl, Professor and Director of the California Center for Sustainable Communities at UCLA brings this lecture:

Much like our bodies have a metabolism, fueled by inputs that we process to provide us energy, creating waste in so doing, we can think of cities as having a similar metabolism.  Cities take in vast and varied resources, use them to do different things in different places, and produce waste streams.
We are developing a simplified urban metabolism description for Los Angeles, creating an interactive web atlas of electricity and natural gas use across the county, and some water use too, and overlaying the data with climate data, census information, information about buildings and other attributes to begin to quantify at least some of the flows and ways they can be reduced.
This presentation will explain more about the concept of urban metabolism, demonstrate the mapping work, and discuss some of the insights that can be derived about cities using this approach