Welcome to the W&L Campus Communications Hub, a resource designed to facilitate communication within the Washington and Lee Community.
The CCH consists of:
Campus Notices: A daily email digest with information customized for various groups of recipients at Washington and Lee. From this site you can send news, announcements, events and classified ads related to specific groups of students, faculty, or staff. You can also browse past and future notices and set your personal preferences to customize the daily email that you receive.
Events Calendar: A central calendar resource listing all events on campus. From this site you can post events to the public master calendar, promote events to specific audiences within the W&L community (i.e. faculty and staff or current students), and add events to your own departmental calendar. You can also browse and search the master calendar to find events of interest.
Daily Menus: View daily and weekly menu options and specials at W&L’s campus dining facilities. Administrative users can log in to post or change menus for their facility.
Trip Saver: View daily and weekly operating hours for popular campus facilities. Administrative users can log in to post or change hours for their facility.
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