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Science, Society, and the Arts

March 8, 2013

Julie Cline

Science, Society, and the Arts is a multi-disciplinary conference involving Washington and Lee undergraduate and law students in the presentation of their academic achievements before an audience of their peers and the faculty.

From 8:30 am-5:00 pm, come join your fellow students in
- panel discussions ranging from legal issues regarding health care, to race and slavery in 19th-century novels, and whether cell phone and robots facilitate human interaction
- view posters about a clean water project in Bolivia, how spiders make silk, maintaining the vampire-human equilibrium, and much, much more
- participate in book colloquia (if you signed up previously)
- see artworks; and watch and hear performances, including dance pieces, Time Ghost, Mindbending Student Productions script readings, video art, and choral works
- hear the keynote luncheon address by Dr. Richard Alley (sign up at

For more information and a complete schedule of events, go to . Contact Lisa Greer at (458-8870) if you have questions. See you there!