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"Now We Are Medea: Split Selfhood, Female Exemplarity and Revenge in Classical and Early Modern Tragedy"

April 4, 2013

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Northen Auditorium, Leyburn Library

Beedle Hinely

A public lecture by Dr. Nandini Pandey, sponsored by the University Lecture Series and the Department of Classics.

Few characters in ancient Greek and Roman tragedy leave as vivid a memory as Medea, the sorceress-queen who killed her own children in vengeance for her husband Jason's desertion. In fact, one can detect echoes of Euripides' and especially Seneca's Medea in certain tragic female figures of the Elizabethan stage, most notably John Webster's Duchess of Malfi.

Come learn how Medea's violent redemption of selfhood continued to resonate over a thousand years later in the Duchess' famous statement, "I am Duchess of Malfi still," and helped shape the bloody, beguiling plotline of Webster's famous play.